SET 10 – General Science Questions and Answers

SET 10 – General Science Questions with Answers – In this section very important science related gk questions and answers have been published Here the students are studying and preparing for various competitive exams. Can do Based on the Science Quiz Set published here, there are about ten questions and answers in which you can read the quiz of all science subjects. These All Science Quiz is an important for SSC, UPSC, Railway, Bank, IBPS Examination.

SET 10 – General Science GK Quiz for Competitive Examination

Question 1. 1 m =? Millimeter
1. 1
2. 10
3. 100
4. 1000

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Answer: 1000

Question 2. Why is a fuse provided in an electric circuit?
1. To reduce the current flow in electric circuit
2. To reduce power consumption of equipment
3. To protect the installation against heavy current
4. To prevent accumulation of static charge

See the correct answer
Answer: To secure the installation against heavy current

Question 3. Electrical resistivity or specific resistance is measured in ____________ (SI unit)?
1. 2
2. Ω / m
3. Ω-m 2
4. Ωm

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Answer: Ωm

Question 4. If an electric current of 5 amperes flows for 1 minute. So find the amount of power transferred.
1. 300 Kulamb
2. 12 Kulamb
3. 5 Kulamb
4. 0.08 Kulamb

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Answer: 300 Kulamb

Question 6. Why are separators provided in lead-acid batteries?
1. To reduce polarization
2. To prevent corrosion and extend battery life
3. To prevent the effect of electricity
4. To prevent internal electrical short circuit

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Answer: To stop the internal electrical short circuit

Question 7. How much is 1 watt?
1. 1 joule / second
2. 1 volt / meter
3. 1 newton / meter
4. 1 ampere / meter

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Answer: 1 joule / second

Question 8. Why do we use carbon brushes in electric motors?
1. To transfer power to the alternator
2. When current is flowing in the alternator, short circuit to stop sparking
3. To strengthen armature weeding
4. To prevent wading and wear and tear

See the correct answer
Answer: to transfer power to the interpreter

Question 9. Water is a good solvent of ionic salts because
1. It has a high dipole moment
2. It has no color
3. It has high specific heat
4. It has a high boiling point

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Answer: It has a high dipole moment

Question 10. Which of the following is the lightest metal?
1. Copper
2. Mercury
3. Lithium
4. Silver

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Answer: lithium
Q9. If the drug has a very small volume of distribution, it is likely that this drug:
A. Has a short biological life
B. Does not accumulate in various tissues and organs
C. More pharmacologically active
D. Will no be effective
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Answer: Does not accumulate in various tissues and organs

Q10. The commonly used detector in UV Spectrophotometer is:
A. Thermocouple
B. Photomultiplier
C. Bolometer
D. Littrow prisms

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Answer: Photomultiplier

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