10 June 2021 – The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary

Today 10 June 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve english.

The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary – 10 June 2021

1. Envisage (परिकल्पना करना) [Verb]

Synonyms: Envision, Intend, Predict

Antonyms: Envisaged, Actual

Sentence: When do you envisage finishing the Assignment.

2. Persist (क़ायम रहना) [Verb]

Synonyms: Keep it Up, Persever

Antonyms: Abandon, Stop

Sentence: If symptoms persist seek medical attention

3. Patchy (विचित्र) [Adjective]

Synonyms: Uneven, Bitty, Fitful

Antonyms: Uniform, Constant

Sentence: It’s a patchy rain/fog.

4. on the lines of (की तर्ज पर) [Phrase]

Synonyms: Approximately, Similar to Something

Antonyms: Precisely

Sentence: It will take on the lines of two weeks to collect the data

5. Laudable (प्रशंसनीय) [Adjective]

Synonyms: Creditable, Estimable

Antonyms: Blameworthy, shameful

Sentence: The president lauded the rise of market economies around the world.

6. Strenuous (कठिन) [ADJECTIVE]

Synonyms: Stiff, Formidable

Antonyms: Easy, Effortless

Sentence: I Think Cricket is much more strenuous than Hockey

7. Annihilate (मिटा देना) [VERB]

Synonyms: Destroy, Wipe Out

Antonyms: Make, Build, Create

Sentence: A Japan City Annihilated by an Atomic Bomb

8. Although (हालांकि) [Conjunction]

Synonyms: Even Though, While, Whilist

Antonyms: So

Sentence: He decided to go, although I begged him not to

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