Essay on Global Warming – Paragraph on Global Warming with Examples

Essay on Global Warming – Here is available a paragraph on Global Warming essay for students and children.

Essay on Global Warming in English

Mainly the process of warming the environment is called global warming. At present, the whole world is facing the brunt of global warming. On the one hand, due to modernization, the smoke coming out of various types of plants and factories established around the world has led to ambiguity and uncertainty in the environment, which is directly harmful to nature. Due to the rising temperature of the earth and the uncertain changes taking place, there is a significant impact on the environment, humans, and other organisms.

Causes and Effects of Global Warming

1. Green House Effect
2. Indiscriminate Deforestation
3. Various Types of Pollution
4. Unnecessary Modernization and Population Growth

Green House Effect– The greenhouse effect is naturally occurring. This process provides heat to the earth’s surface and makes life possible for living beings. Various types of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, and water vapor are present in the greenhouse effect. Due to the excessive increase in the amount of all these and the earth’s temperature, many changes occur in the earth’s weather, and the life of all the creatures living on the earth becomes in danger. Thus we can understand that Green House Effect is the main cause of global warming.

Indiscriminate Deforestation– As we know, there is indiscriminate deforestation of forests, which carry carbon dioxide, provide us oxygen and play an essential role in bringing rain. Due to deforestation, there is a lack of oxygen in the environment. The number of harmful gases such as CO2, NH4, and nitrogen also increases because the increase in these gases increases the earth’s temperature, and excessive deforestation and the weather also increase. Changes occur, and the monsoon becomes erratic does not rain on time, causing the atmosphere’s temperature to warm.

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Various Types of Pollution – Due to various types of pollution like noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc., pollution increases the temperature of the environment, presently the noise of vehicles and industries running in factories. The loud noise of the machines causes noise pollution, which is very harmful to the person. Due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and weedicides put in the fields, the environment gets polluted, and the waste materials coming out of industries and factories and life is also getting polluted. These are all man-made problems that have a direct impact on the environment. It creates problems like global warming.

Unnecessary Modernization and Population Explosion: As we see us, the environment around us is changing very rapidly. Due to rapid mechanization technology in the factories and factories of big cities, many dangerous gases are being generated, polluting the atmosphere and road construction and construction of significant buildings around in the steps towards home construction and development. Due to all these changes, the cultivable land on the land is gradually getting depleted, trees are getting cut, the atmosphere’s temperature is increasing, and nature is becoming unbalanced.

An unnecessary increase in population has given rise to many problems at present. Population growth has started exploiting nature by giving rise to various human needs. The exploitation of various resources of nature has created many adverse consequences not only for nature but also for all the living beings living in it.

So the above description is all the primary reason for the increasing global warming effect on the earth.

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Solutions of Stop Global Warming

  1. First of all, to reduce the earth’s temperature, the cutting of trees has to be stopped, and nature will have to be cooled by planting more and more trees.
  2. The competition for modernization will have to be reduced by advising the people. Appeal to the public that at least build houses, plant more and more trees, save agricultural land, and use chlorofluorocarbons, which are harmful to nature and the ozone layer, should be minimized.
  3. Use such vehicles which are smokeless so that the environment is pure, and in prominent industries, keep the height of the chimneys high so that the environment remains pure.
  4. While promoting renewable energy, it is essential to focus on wind energy, solar energy, and hydroelectricity instead of electricity generated from coal, which can control the gases that heat our atmosphere.

Therefore:- It’s clear that global warming is harmful to nature and human society and all living beings, living beings on the planet. If we do not understand, then in the coming time, the earth will become hotter than the sun here life will become impossible. Therefore, we must make such efforts to save the earth.

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