List of Synonyms and Antonyms of “E” Words

Ebbabatement, let-up, wane, dwindling, drop, slackeningincline, increase, rise
Efficacyeffect, potency, competence, influence, strength, powerinefficiency, unproductive, uselessness
Elegantgraceful, exquisite, delicate, fine, stylish, pleasingcrude, unrefined, rough
Elongateextend, lengthen, prolong, stretch, spin, increasecontract, shorten
Eminentcelebrated, established, illustrious, notable, famed, prominentunremarkable, lowly, unknown
Emitrelease, vent, let out, let off, project, radiatecontain, repress, withhold
Enhanceaggravate, heighten, intensify, boost, plug, embellishlower, minimize, reduce
Enormousgiant, herculean, immense, mammoth, massive, stupendoustiny, insignificant, minute
Erasedelete, efface, abolish, extinguish, expunge, obliterateadd, insert, create
Erraticdevious, inconsistent, spotty, capricious, temperamental, volatileregular, steady, consistent
Essentialbasic, fundamental, vital, integral, elementary, requisiteauxiliary, subsidiary, secondary
Eternaleverlasting, infinite, incessant, perpetual, relentless, immortalbrief, ephemeral, transient
Evidentapparent, obvious, noticeable, pronounced, visible, manifestobscure, vague, uncertain
Exaggerateinflate, magnify, overstate, hyperbolize, boast, emphasizeplay down, understate, depreciate
Exceloutshine, surpass, outdo, exceed, transcend, betterfail, lose, fall, behind
Excessiveexorbitant, boundless, extreme, immoderate, extravagant, profligatemoderate, reasonable, insufficient
Excludeeliminate, debar, except, rule out, omitaccept, include, allow
Excusecondone, remit, absolve, spare, relieve, dischargeblame, incriminate, condemn
Executeperform, exercise, implement, effectuate, administerfore go, mismanage, neglect
Exemplaryadmirable, commendable, meritorious, worthy, praiseworthycontemptible, repugnant, loathsome
Exhaustiveintensive, thorough, complete, extensive, profound, radicalexclusive, incomplete, deficient
Expelbanish, deport, exile, ostracize, dismiss, ejectallow, keep, welcome
Expensivecostly, dear, high, exorbitant, over-priced, lavishcheap, inexpensive, moderate
Exilebanishment, deportation, expatriation, extradition, ostracism, transportationimport, arrival, entrance
Extendexpand, outstretch, prolong, unfold, protract, broadencontract, curtail, shorten
Extensivelarge-scale, spacious, considerable, sweeping, far-reaching, expansivenarrow, restricted, limited
Extinctdead, defunct, lifeless, departed, vanished, lostalive, extant, existing
Extinguishdouse, quench, annihilate, abolish, quash, obliteratelight, enact, establish
Extravagantlavish, prodigal, exorbitant, spendthrift, opulent, profusestingy, thrifty, economical
Extrovertgregarious, outgoing, communicative, unreserved, boisterous, loudintrovert, reserved, quiet

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