SET 4 – Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers
- अरुण कुमार
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Q1. Tonoplast is :
A. A feature of all cells.
B. Found in prokaryotic cells only.
C. Found in plant cells only.
D. Found in animal cells only
Q2. The cell wall of both bacteria and cyanobacteria contains:
A. Lipid
B. Pectin
C. Protein
D. Muramic acid
Q3. The stage of meiosis in which pairing of homologous chromosomes starts, is
A. Leptotene
B. Zygotene
C. Diplotene
D. Pachytene –
Q4. A duplicated chromosome has how many chromatids ?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Q5. The Ecological pyramid that is always upright:
A. Pyramid of Energy
B. Pyramid of Biomass
C. Pyramid of Number
D. None of the options
Q6. The main components of photochemical smog are:
A. Water Vapour
B. Sulphur Dioxide
C. Oxides of Nitrogen
D. All options are correct
Q7. Which of the following chromosomes are responsible for most of the sexlinked traits?
A. 13
B. Y
C. 15
D. X
Q8. The taxonomic unit ‘Phylum’ in the classification of animals is equivalent to which hierarchical level in classification of plants:
A. Class
B. Order
C. Division
D. Family
Q9. The anthesis is a phenomenon, which refers to:
A. Development of anthers
B. Stigma receptors
C. Opening of flower bud
D. Reproduction in plants
Q10. The fruit of coconut is:
A. Berry
B. Drupe
C. Nut
D. Pome