SET 5 – Biology General Knowledge Questions and Answers
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Q1. Which tissue gives rise to secondary growth?
A. Apical meristem
B. Adventitious root
C. Axillary bud
D. Vascular cambium
Q2. Azotobacter and Beijerinckia are the examples of:
A. Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria
B. Asymbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria
C. Photosynthetic bacteria
D. Disease causing bacteria
Q3. Blue-green alga that causes red waterblooms is:
A. Anabaena
B. Gloeocapsa
C. Trichodesmium
D. Nostoc
Q4. Edible fungus is:
A. Penicillium
B. Agaricus
C. Aspergillus
D. Pythium
Q5. Vegetative reproduction in Marchantia occurs through following:
A. Apospory
B. Gemma Cup
C. Budding
D. Hormogonia
Q6. Gametophyte of Pteridophyte is called:
A. Prothallus
B. Protocorm
C. Thallus
D. Gametangia
Q. Largest sperms in the plant world are found in:
A. Banyan
B. Cycas
C. Thuja
D. Pinus
Q7. Which is the correct sequence of the path of water current flowing through leucosolenia
A. Spongocoel–>uosculum->ostium
B. Ostium->spongocoel->Osculum
C. Osculum->spongocoel->ostium
D. Osculum->ostium->spongocoel
Q8. Which if the following animal causes filariasis disease in man?
A. Truchiuris trichiris
B. Enterobius vermicularis
C. Dracunculus mediensis
D. Wucheria bancrofti
Q9. Which of the following is a correct match?
A. Pila – Pelecypoda
B. Spider – Arachnida
C. Cockroach – Crustacea
D. Leech – Polychaeta