Bihar Board Class 12 Syllabus 2024-25 – Download Latest and Revised BSEB Intermediate Syllabus PDF
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BSEB Bihar Board Class 12th Syllabus 2024-25 Download; Pdf Available Here
Bihar Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25 – The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) has unveiled the BSEB class 12 syllabus 2025 for all the three streams i.e. Arts, Commerce, and Science. The students who’ve taken admission this year 2024-25 and the unsuccessful students of last session 2023-24 can visit the BSEB’s official website and download the Bihar Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25. The BSEB class 12th students should download the BSEB 12th Exam Pattern 2024-25 and chalk out the study schedule as the syllabus is very vast.
The current academic session students must go through the complete BSEB 12th syllabus 2025 and download the marking scheme for BSEB class 12th exams 2025. The BSEB class 12th students must go through all the topics listed in the class 12th syllabus to devise the right strategy for the final examination.
How should I download the Bihar Board 12th syllabus for 2025?
The Bihar Board class 12 students who’ve taken new admission in this academic session 2024-25 along with reappearing students from last year should make note of the following steps to Download Latest Bihar Board (BSEB) Syllabus Class 12:
- Make use of the following link to access the official website of the BSEB Board:
- The student has to find the ‘Quick Links’ column on the home page and select the option ‘Academic Session 2024-25 Curriculum’ from the drop-down menu appearing on the home screen of the BSEB website.
- The current academic session student needs to click on the link mentioned here to download the Bihar Board 12th Syllabus 2024-25:
Q: When will the Bihar Board release the BSEB 12th Syllabus 2025?
The Bihar Board has released the BSEB Class 12 Syllabus for students of the Bihar-board affiliated schools in May 2024. The new admission students can take the complete syllabus from their respective schools or can download it from BSEB’s official website.
Q. What are the subjects included in the Bihar Board 12th Syllabus 2025?
The Bihar Board class 12th syllabus 2025 has been published for all the streams i.e Arts, Commerce, and Science. Few subjects like Geography, Home Science, Philosophy and others are included in Arts stream and Physics, Chemistry, Biology are included in Science stream. Business Studies, Economics, and Mathematics are included in the Commerce stream.