Fruits Name in English Hindi – फलों के नाम
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Names of Fruits in English-Hindi: Here is a list of common fruit names in English with their Hindi meanings. The fruits names in Hindi and English listed below are useful for basic English learning.
Common Fruit Name in Hindi English
Fruit Name English | Fruit Name in Hindi |
Apple | सेब (Seb) |
Banana | केला (Kela) |
Orange | संतरा (Santra) |
Grapes | अंगूर (Angur) |
Mango | आम (Aam) |
Pineapple | अनानास (Ananas) |
Watermelon | तरबूज (Tarbooj) |
Pomegranate | अनार (Anar) |
Guava | अमरूद (Amrud) |
Kiwi | कीवी (Kiwi) |
Papaya | पपीता (Papita) |
Pear | नाशपाती (Nashpati) |
Coconut | नारियल (Nariyal) |
Cherry | चेरी (Cheri) |
Plum | बेर (Ber) |
Apricot | खुबानी (Khubani) |
Cranberry | करौंदा (Karonda) |
Lemon | नींबू (Nimbu) |
Lime | कच्चा नींबू (Kaccha Nimbu) |
Blueberry | ब्लूबेरी (Blueberry) |
Blackberry | ब्लैकबेरी (Blackberry) |
Raspberry | रसभरी (Rasbhari) |
Strawberry | स्ट्रॉबेरी (Strawberry) |
Fig | अंजीर (Anjeer) |
Passion fruit | पैशन फ्रूट (Passion fruit) |
Dragon fruit | ड्रेगन फ्रूट (Dragon fruit) |
Star fruit | कमरख (Kamrakh) |
Custard apple | शरीफा (Sharifa) |
Sapota | चीकू (Chiku) |
Avocado | एवोकाडो (Avocado) |
Lychee | लीची (Litchi) |
Musk melon | खरबूजा (Kharbuja) |
Persimmon | अमला (Amla) |
Tangerine | मालती (Malati) |
Jackfruit | कटहल (Kathal) |
Jamun | जामुन (Jamun) |
Mulberry | शहतूत (Shahtoot) |
Date | खजूर (Khajur) |
Redcurrant | रेडकरंट (Redcurrant) |
Whitecurrant | व्हाइटकरंट (Whitecurrant) |
Blackcurrant | ब्लैककरंट (Blackcurrant) |
Gooseberry | आंवला (Amla) |
Kumquat | क्वाट (Kwatt) |
Mangooseberry | विलायती आंवला |
I hope you enjoyed this post about of Fruit names in English Hindi. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section.