How to Start preparation for HPCL Engineer 2021 Exam?
- अरुण कुमार
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Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) Engineer Exam is an important exam conducted pan-India, conducted to recruit engineers for vacancies open at HP. There are 200 vacancies on which recruitment will take place.
It is a Maharatna Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) and is offering jobs in the engineering category. The HPCL 2021 Exam will take place in an online Computer Based Test (CBT) method. 120 vacancies are for Mechanical Engineers, 30 for Civil Engineers, and 25 vacancies each for Electrical and Instrumentation Engineers.
To be eligible to sit for the HPCL 2021 exam, a candidate will need a 4-year full-time regular engineering course from an AICTE approved/UGC recognized university/deemed university and obtain at least 60% marks.
The HPCL Selection Process is as follows:
- Step 1: Computer-based written test (CBT)
- Step 2: Group Task
- Step 3: Interview
Through the course of this article, we will share ideas with you to help you kick-start your HPCL engineer exam preparation. The article will help you devise some important HPCL Preparation strategy and in turn enable you to ace the exam.
The first step to initiate your HPCL exam preparation is to familiarise yourself with the exam pattern. As mentioned above, the HPCL selection process involves 3 steps. The CBT exam in itself will comprise of two sections:
- General Aptitude
- Technical / Professional Knowledge.
The General Aptitude section will comprise questions on English Language, Quantitative Aptitude Test & Intellectual Potential. On the other hand, the Technical/Professional Knowledge section would test the knowledge of a candidate related to the Qualifying degree / Educational background required for the applied position by them. Multiple choice questions of one mark each will be asked in each section. There is a relief as negative marking does not exist. It is a speed and accuracy test.The detailed exam pattern is mentioned in the following table:
Part | Section |
Part 1: General Aptitude | English Language Quantitative Aptitude Test Intellectual Potential |
Part II: Technical / Professional Knowledge | Questions related to the specific degree/area |
HPCL 2021 Exam Preparation: Syllabus
Before actually beginning with the studies, to have a strong command, the best HPCL preparation strategy is to be thorough with the syllabus. Read through the syllabus carefully so that you know how much you need to deal with.
The two sections will have a different syllabus, go through the syllabus specific to the specialisation/area that you’re applying for. The syllabus is based on the prerequisite degrees for the specific field. The syllabus for the General Aptitude section shall remain common for all.
The detailed syllabus for the General Aptitude section is as follows:
Section | Syllabus |
English Language | Fill in the blanks, Synonyms and antonyms, Direct and indirect speech, Comprehension, Spelling Test, Parts of speech, Para Jumbles, Error Correction, Spelling Test, Sentence Completion, Idioms and Phrases, Word Formation, Active and Passive Voice, Spotting Errors, Homonyms, Error Correction, Sentence Arrangement, etc. |
Quantitative Aptitude | Number System, Pipes and Cisterns, Partnership, Simple and Compound Interest, Permutations and Combinations, Simplification, Time and Distance, Average, Mensuration, Time and Work, Percentage, Trigonometry, Boats and Streams, Allegation Of Mixture, Partnership, Profit and Loss, Problems On Ages, H.C.F. And L.C.M of Numbers Ratio and Proportion, etc. |
Intellectual Posit | Puzzle test, Coding-decoding, Number series, sitting arrangement, Analogy, Alpha-numerical sequence puzzle, Syllogism, Logical sequence test, Arithmetical operations, Direction sense test, Data Sufficiency, Alphabet test, Numbers, ranking, and time sequence test, Classifications, Logical Venn diagram, Blood relations, |
Understand the weightage of each subject that is mentioned in the HPCL Exam 2021 Syllabus and start preparing accordingly. Start with the more basic topics and move on to the advanced ones as you proceed.
Once you’re aware of the exam pattern and syllabus, pick up the previous year question papers and carefully go through them; collect previous 5-6 years’ papers. This will not only help you familiarise yourself with the exam pattern but also help you understand the difficulty level of the paper and the type of questions that are asked. Pinpoint the questions that have been repeatedly asked over the years and follow those topics carefully during your HPCL engineer exam preparation.
You will not be able to start HPCL exam preparation unless and until you have a fixed schedule in place. Based on the syllabus, prepare a schedule for yourself and try to abide by it. Give ample time to both the sections and divide time wisely between topics that are known to you and those that are new. Do not weigh any one section over the other.
One of the most important HPCL Preparation strategies is to solve mock tests with timers on. This will give you practice for the final day and even help you check your progress. Attempting mock tests after every 3-4 days will help you find your weak spots and then you can work on them. This is a very crucial HPCL preparation strategy
For HPCL engineer exam preparation, candidates should use the best books by trustworthy authors. Do not rely on just one source for your knowledge, use the internet as well. The books recommended by experts are smartly crafted keeping in mind the nature of the HPCL 2021 exam.
Here is a list of books that you can refer to during your initial HPCL exam preparation:
S.No. | Subject | Books | Author/Publisher |
1. | English Language | High School English Grammar and Composition book | Wren and Martin |
2. | English Language | English Grammar and Composition book | S C Gupta |
3. | Quantitative Aptitude | Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations | RS Agarwal |
4. | Intellectual Potential | Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning | Dr RS Agarwal |
5. | Intellectual Potential | Analytical Skills | MK Pandey |
6. | Mechanical Engineering | Objective Mechanical Engineering book | RS Khurmi |
7. | Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering Through Objective Type Questions book | S.P Gupta |
8. | Electrical Engineering | Question bank for Electrical Engineering | JB Gupta |
To conclude, your initial HPCL Preparation strategy should include recognising the exam pattern, going through the syllabus and previous year papers. Once this is done, you should begin with your proper studies with a proper schedule in place.
Hope this article was helpful.
Best of luck!