SET – 2 India Questions and Answers

India GK Set-2 : – Below India GK Set-2 Questions and Answers have been published. India General Knowledge Set-2 published in this section for Bank, Railways, SSC etc. These questions and answers important and helpful for you in all Competitive exams.

SET 2 – India General Knowledge Questions and Answers

Question 1. How many kilometers away from the equator is Indira point located in the last southern end of the land in Indian territory?
1. 572 km
2. 876 km
3. 900 km
4. 1000 km

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Answer: 876 km

Question 2. “Microphone” converts which type of sound energy?
1. Mechanical Energy
2. Chemical Energy
3. Electrical energy
4. All

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Answer: Electrical energy

Question 3. How many states of India pass through Cancer?
1. 5 states
2. 8 states
3. 12 states
4. 16 states

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Answer: 8 states

Question 4. Which of the following is a study of field trials called Palynology?
1. Pollen and Spores
2. Science
3. Technology
4. Body

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Answer: Pollination and Spores

Question 5. Name one state of India whose border meets most states of India?
1. Kerala
2. Gujarat
3. Punjab
4. Uttar Pradesh

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Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Question 6. Which of the following geoscientists discovered the first preclinical device in India?
1. Galillo Galilei
2. Thomas Edison
3. Napoleon
4. Robert Buss Code

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Answer: Robert Buss Code

Question 7. In which Indian state did Robert Buss code first discover the pre-monolithic device?
1. Punjab
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Bihar
4. Sikkim

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Answer: Tamil Nadu (Pallavaram)

Question 8. According to historians, in which state of India was the evidence of the oldest Gaushala found?
1. Bihar
2. Gujarat
3. Uttar Pradesh
4. Kerala

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Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Question 9. The energy obtained from eating food is measured in which of the following units?
1. Calories
2. Jul
3. Pascal
4. All

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Answer: Calories

Question 10. In which of the following schedule, provisions related to defection are mentioned in the Constitution of India?
1. 10th Schedule
2. 11th schedule
3. 15th schedule
4. 22nd schedule

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Answer: 10th schedule

Question 11. Who is the national aquatic animal of India?
1. Crocodile
2. Fish
3. Dolphin
4. Tortoise

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Answer: dolphin
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