List of Major Straits of the World GK

Major Straits of the world

Name Joins Location
Malacca Strait Andaman Sea & South China Sea Indonesia – Malaysia
Palk Strait Palk Bay & Bay of Bengal India-Sri Lanka
Sunda Strait Java Sea & Indian Ocean Indonesia
Yucatan Strait Gulf of Mexico and Carribbean Sea Mexico-Cuba
Mesina Strait Mediterranean Sea Italy-Sicily
Otranto Strait Adriatic Sea & Ionian Sea Italy-Albania
Bab-el-Mandeb Strait Red Sea & Gulf of Aden Yemen-Djibouti
Cook Strait South Pacific Ocean New Zealand (N & S islands)
Mozambique Strait Indian Ocean Mozambique – Malagassy
North Channel Irish Sea & Atlantic Ocean Ireland-England
Taurus Strait Arafura Sea & Gulf of Papua Papua New Guinea – Australia
Bass strait Tasman Sea & South Sea Australia
Bering Strait Bering Sea & Chuksi Sea Alaska-Russia
Bonne-Fasio Strait Mediterranean Sea Corsika-Sardinia
Bosporous Strait Black Sea and Marmara Sea Turkey
Dardenleez Strait Marmara Sea and Agean Sea Turkey
Davis strait Baffin Bay & Atlantic Ocean Greenland-Canada
Denmark strait North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean Greenland-Iceland
Dover strait English Channel & North Sea England-France
Florida Strait Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean USA-Cuba
Hormuz strait Gulf of Persia & Gulf of Oman Oman-Iran
Hudson strait Gulf of Hudson & Atlantic Ocean Canada
Gibraltar Strait Mediterranean Sea & Atlantic Ocean Spain-Morocco
Magellan strait Pacific and South Atlantic Ocean Chile
Makkassar Strait Java Sea & Celebeze Sea Indonesia
Tsungaru Strait Japan Sea and Pacific Ocean Japan (Hokkaido-Honshu island)
Tatar Strait Japan Sea & Okhotsk Sea Russia (E Russia-Sakhalin Island)

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