Science Communication
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Science communication is a system or process of learning, teaching, educating, informing and learning and also sharing awareness of science related activities and topics. Science communicators and audiences are uncertainly clarified and the proficiency and level of knowledge differ from one group to other. We learn science and feel its need in every day of our lives. It provides a wonder in revealing the world around us. Some wonders like genetically modified organisms, geo-engineering and transplantation are realities without which scientific advancement could not be fathomed. The mixed emotions and experience arise from the convergence of technology with society. Discovery of antibiotics and again emergence of microbial resistance, smart electricity grids and threatening cyberattacks and even supply of huge quantify of food to someone differs with the person who has no food to eat are some of the factors that need explanations. And without knowledge of science this is very difficult to understand. Specific study can be made relating to this after giving the exam after 10th and 12th. Science makes people understand the logic behind everything. People can distinguish between right and wrong and taking into account the benefits as well as cons of an invention. Effective communication cannot say exactly what the choices of the people are as its goal is not agreement but disagreements. People need to understand how much value is to be given to the nature and where the focus needs to be. To understand that people need a venue for discussions to realize the potential. Science communication cannot succeed if the people feel that only opposing its message can rectify the other concerns. Science communication looks forward to inform decision making and to identify the decisions it should listen to the audiences. And therefore, the information they need is science education. More the people know about science and its processes, the easier it becomes to explain the uncertainties and controversies that the science communication can create.
The anatomy of science communication reveals that applied basic science and basic applied science are two view points and these pursuits are considered as decisive to the progress and advancement of basic science by identifying its challenges and establishing its boundaries.
Advancement in one science may provide impetus to the decision making theory and informed choices usually necessitate knowledge from many sciences. Behavioral science is a type of a research which tends to predict the effect of a highly addicted drugs on human body, it tries to understand how much does it effects the body when he forgets to take the medicine for a day. Without intelligence of human being, science is nothing. Right from manufacturing to financing the product human contribution plays a major role. So, to predict the technological cost, its risks and benefits require a scientific research and behavioral knowledge like physics, metrology, meteorology, seismology, engineering and computer and so on so forth.
To understand the relevant science it requires some knowledge in science. And for that no vast knowledge is required. Rather you should know the basics facts that are material to their choices. The knowledge can be included mathematics like calculation of expected outcomes and monetary involvements. Thus, to communicate with someone, the most important thing is to understand them. To identify the scientific results, people need to know the basic difference in deciding what and when to do. What makes the difference by learning various subjects and theories. Decision makers are responsible for taking decisions, their preferences, choices and ambitions play a very important role. If the research aimed at helping women to reduce their physical assault, the science communications overlook the risk factors like legal hassles and other risks involved. The research shows that the risk factors are not given priority because the communications are ignored because of the outcome which are very important like relationship ad reputations.
Categorizing existing beliefs starts with formative research allowing people to reveal whatever is in their minds. Without such frankness communication can miss cases where people have their own narratives and beliefs. Adversely communicators can neglect misconceptions that were not there and never occurred to them. Understanding the language and beliefs one can construct the idea of such occurrence. Communications are adequate if they reach people with accuracy and then it can be of use.
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