SSC Stenographer Syllabus (Grade C & D) – Exam Pattern for SSC Stenographer
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Every year government jobs are vacant for the SSC Stenographer, and a large number of candidates apply for this exam. And only those candidates who have appeared for the examination of the SSC Stenographer come out successful the examination. The exam is held on the basis of SSC Stenographer (Grade C & D) Syllabus. Here, we have prepared the SSC Stenographer Exam’s Syllabus to assist the interested candidates of SSC Stenographer. The syllabus has been taken from the official notification of SSC Stenographer.
SSC Stenographers (Grade C & D) Examination’s Syllabus Information is given below:
The following three topics are primary in the SSC Stenographers Exam, on which the questions can be asked.
- General Intelligence & Reasoning
- General Awareness
- English Language & Comprehension
General Intelligence & Reasoning:In this topic, questions will be related to verbal and non-verbal type, including analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, etc. (To prepare for this topic well, check the old SSC Stenographer exams solved papers on the Internet).
General Awareness: In this topic, questions will be related to current affairs and general knowledge. All Questions will consist of the current affairs in India and its neighboring countries. The other related focus is on sports, history, culture, geography, economic scenario, general politics including the Indian constitution, and scientific research, etc.
English Language & Comprehension: This topic consists of related questions on English, which includes questions on vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, and its correct usage.