List of Synonyms and Antonyms of “J” “K” “L” Words
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J Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Synonyms | Antonyms |
Jade | wear, fatigue, drain, tire, down, enervate | amuse, excite, exhilarate |
Jarring | rasping, agitating, harsh, raspy, raucous, strident | subdued, soft, quiet |
Jocular | comedic, facetious, funny, witty, frolicsome | morose, serious, grave |
Jolt | bump, collision, smash, shock, crash, blow | luck, fortune, expected |
Jovial | blithe, jolly, mirthful, jocund, convivial, gleeful | sad, unhappy, serious |
Jubilant | exultant, happy, triumphant, elated, euphoric, gleeful | depressed, sorrowful, dejected |
Judicious | prudent, rational, balanced, sensible, sound, reasonable | reckless, thoughtless, irritational |
Jumble | muddle, scramble, disarray, disrupt, befuddle, confound | order, organize, harmonize |
Jumbo | behemoth, colossal, stupendous, mighty, mammoth, massy | miniature, tiny, small |
Junk | Discard, dispose of, scrap, dump, jettison, chuck | keep, hold, preserve |
Justify | rationalize, vindicate, corroborate, sustainable, apologize, defend | assail, impugn |
K Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Synonyms | Antonyms |
Keen | alert, ardent, fervent, perceptive, sensitive, sharp | reluctant, uninterested, indifferent |
Knit | fasten, affix, link, loop, intermingle, weave | detach, severe, break |
Knock | censure, criticism, condemnation, blame, rap, smash | compliment, praise, endorsment |
Knotty | complex, complicated, convoluted, daedal, intricate, tangled | unsnarled, systematic, uncoiled |
Kudos | accolade, distinction, acclaim, applause, eulogy, plaudit | censure, condemnation, vituperation |
K Word Synonyms and Antonyms
Words | Synonyms | Antonyms |
Lavish | luxurious, opulent, extravagant, prodigal, profuse, generous | economical, scanty, scarce |
Lean | bony, lanky, meager, slender, succinct, brief | plump, chubby, overweight |
Legitimate | Lawful, legal, licit, justifiable, logical, valid | invalid, illegal, unwarranted |
Lethal | deadly, fatal, mortal, vital, destructive, ruinous | beneficial, harmless, helpful |
Lethargic | sluggish, stuporous, torpid, apathetic, detached, indifferent | active, lively, vivacious |
Liability | obligation, arrears, debt, exposure, vulnerability, indebtedness | irresponsibility, accountability, assets |
Liberal | progressive, tolerant, broad-minded, modern, generous, munificent | conservative, narrow-minded, orthodox |
Lively | brisk, sprighty, animated, vivacious, dynamics, vigorous | dispirited, boring, dull |
Loafer | burn, drone, idler, sluggard, lazybones, wanderer | hard worker, workaholic, overachiever |
Loyal | faithful, staunch, steadfast, devoted, allegiant, trustworthy | unfaithful, undependable, disloyal |
Lunatic | crazy, demented, insane, distraught, maniac, unsound | sane, sensible, balanced |
Luxurious | lavish, palatial, plush, rich, opulent, sumptuous | destitute, tiny, scarce |