20 July 2021 The Hindu Vocabulary – General English
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As you know, Vocabulary now a part of every competitive exams like, Banking, SSC, Railway, and More. Now a days Vocabulary should be good for solve to Reading comprehension. So, Today 20 July 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary list of more than 20 Words. It’s help for crack competitive exams and improve English.
20th July 2021 The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary Words with Hindi Meanings
Hospitality (सत्कार) [NOUN]
Synonyms: Friendliness, Helpfulness
Antonyms: Un-friendliness
Sentence: England is a country which is renowned for its hospitality.
Coherence (स्थिरता, स्पष्टता और सुबोधता) [NOUN]
Synonyms: Consistency, Organization
Antonyms: Incoherence
Sentence: Is there a larger vision, a coherence behind any of this?
Executive (कार्यकारी) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Decision-making, Directorial
Antonyms: Subordinate
Sentence: All the ministers are members of the executive council.
Progressive (प्रगतिशील) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Modern, Advanced
Antonyms: Conservative
Sentence: The left of the party is pressing for a more progressive social policy.
Employ (इस्तेमाल करना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Hire, Recruit
Antonyms: Dismiss
Sentence: We need to employ more supervisory staff.
Ghastly (भयंकर) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Terrible, Horrible
Antonyms: Excusable, Trivial
Sentence: Today’s newspaper gives all the ghastly details of the murder.
Scan (जाँचना) [VERB]
Synonyms: Check, Superintend
Antonyms: Discard
Sentence: I scanned through the booklet but couldn’t find the address.
Mandatory (अनिवार्य) [ADJECTIVE]
Synonyms: Compulsory, Integral
Antonyms: Optional
Sentence: Voter ID Card is Mandatory for Election Voting