Name of Famous Indian Personalities and Their Memorable Nicknames 2023

Famous Indian Personalities and Their Memorable Nicknames 2023

Famous Indian Personalities and Their Memorable Nicknames 2023:- India boasts numerous renowned individuals who are affectionately known by their nicknames. These monikers are typically bestowed upon them by leaders or the public in recognition of their significant contributions in various fields. In this article, we have compiled a list of famous Indian personalities along with their well-known nicknames. These celebrated figures span a wide spectrum, encompassing politicians, saints, musicians, social reformers, and freedom fighters. Let’s explore the nicknames of these distinguished Indian personalities.

Famous Indian Personalities and Nicknames 2023

AcharyaVinoba Bhave
Adi KaviValmiki
Desh Ratna, AjatshatruDr. Rajendra Prasad
Akbar of KashmirJainul Abdin
Andhra KesariT Prakasam
AnnaC N Annadurai
BabujiJavjeevan Ram
Badshah Khan / Frontier GandhiAbdul Ghaffar Khan
BangabandhuSheikh Mujibur Rahman
BapuMohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Bengal KesariAshutosh Mukherji
Bengal TigerBipin Chandrapal & Saurav Ganguli
Bihar KesriDr. Srikrishna Singh
Bihar VibhutiDr. Anurag Narayan Singh
Birdman of IndiaDr. Salim Ali
Bismark of IndiaVallabhai Patel
Biswa KaviRabindranath Tagore
Lord Buddha, The Enlightened One, The Light of AsiaSiddhartha Gautama
C RC Rajagopalachari
ChachaJawaharlal Nehru
DeenabandhuC F Andrews
DesabandhuC R Das
Desh RatnaDr. Rajendra Prasad
DeshbandhuChitta Ranjan Das
DeshpriyaYatindra Mohan Sengupta
Einstein of IndiaNagarjuna
Father of GujratRavi Sankar Maharaj
Father of Nation (India)Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Flying SikhMilkha Singh
Frontier GandhiKhan Abdul Gaffar Khan
Grand Old Man of IndiaDadabhai Naoroji
Grandfather of Indian FilmsDhundiraj Govind Fhalke
GurudevRabindranath Tagore
GurujiM S Gohlwalkar
Haryana HurricaneKapil Dev
Hockey WizardDhyan Chand
Indian MachiavelliChanakya
Iron Lady of IndiaIndira Gandhi
Iron ManSardar Vallabhbhai Patel
J PJayaprakash Narayan
Jana NayakKarpuri Thakur
KaviguruRabindranath Tagore
King Maker of Indian HistorySayyed Bandhu
Lal, Bal, PalLala Lajpat Rai, Bal Ganghadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal
Light of AsiaSreebuddha
Lion of KashmirSheikh Mohammad Abdullah
Lion of MarathaBal Gangadhar Tilak
Little MasterSunil Gavaskar
LokmanyaBal Gangadhar Tilak
LoknayakJayaprakash Narayan
Machiavelli of IndiaChanakya
Magician of HockeyDhyanchand
MahamanaMadan Mohan Malaviya
Man of DestinyNapoleon Bonaparte
Man of IronVallabhai Patel
Man of PeaceLal Bahadur Shastri
Martin Luther of IndiaDayanand Saraswati
Morning Star of India RenaissanceRaja Ram Mohan Roy
Napolean of IndiaSamudragupta
NetajiSubhash Chandra Bose
NetajiSubhash Chandra Bose
Nightingale of IndiaSarojini Naidu
PanditjiJawaharlal Nehru
Panjab KesariLala Lajpat Rai
Payyoli ExpressP. T. Usha
Prince of KolkataSaurav Ganguly
PriyadarshiniIndira Gandhi
Punjab KesariLala Lajpat Rai
RajajiC Rajagopalachari
RajarsheePurushottam Das tandon
Sahid-e-AzamBhagat Singh
Sahitya SamratBankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Saint of SabarmatiMohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Saint of the GuttersMother Teresa
Shakespeare of IndiaKalidasa
Sher-e-KashmirSheikh Abdullah
SparrowMajor General Rajinder Singh
Strong Man of IndiaVallabhai Patel
Swar KokilaLata Mangeshkar
TauChaudhury Devi Lal
The Little MasterSachin Tendulkar
Tiger of MysoreTipu Sultan
Tota-e-HindAmir Khushro
Young TurkChandra Sekhar

In 2023, India continues to be home to a rich tapestry of famous personalities, each adorned with memorable nicknames. These monikers are a testament to their remarkable achievements and contributions across various domains. From the political arena to the world of music, social reform, and the struggle for freedom, these nicknames resonate with the essence of their legacy.

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