World Students Day 2023 – Know when and why is celebrated? History, Theme

World Students Day 2023 – Know when and why is celebrated? History, Theme

World Student Day 2023 DetailsWorld Students Day is celebrated every year on 15 October. This day is very special for all the students. In this article we will know when is World Student Day 2023 and why is it celebrated? History, Theme.

Know When and Why is World Students Day Celebrated in 2023?

World Students Day is celebrated every year on 15 October. This day is celebrated to commemorate the birth anniversary of former President of India and Missile Man, Bharat Ratna Late Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. Celebrating World Students Day is a matter of great pride for everyone, because through this an attempt is made to impart important lessons to the society. On this day, all the students around the world are given information about education and its importance. Because a student plays an important role in taking the country and society forward. Every student moves forward and builds the future with the dream of being different from the crowd and making his own identity.

History of World Students Day when 2023

Did you Know about the history of World Student Day

Since 2010, recognizing Dr. Kalam’s efforts for education and students, the United Nations Organization had announced to celebrate his birth date as “World Student Day”. From then till today, World Students Day i.e. World Students Day is celebrated every year on 15 October.

Theme of World Students Day 2023

Did you Know what is the theme of World Student Day 2023?

  • If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. World Students Day in 2023 will focus on the topic “FAIL: stands for First Attempt in Learning
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Information about the life of Dr. Kalam on World Students Day

Former President of India Dr. Kalam, born on 15 October 1931, studied aeronautical engineering and later became a successful scientist of India. He made an important contribution in making missiles during his lifetime, due to which he is also known as Missileman. From 1992 to 1999, he served as Principal Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister. He also worked as Secretary in DRDO. He was elected as the 11th President of India in 2002 and his tenure lasted till 2007.

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